What is the role of an apartment manager?

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If all flats in an apartment are owned by one person, then that person is the legal manager

One of the requirements brought by the transition to high-rise buildings due to the increasing housing increase is the apartment managers. There are many questions that arise when thinking about their role. For example: what are the duties of the apartment manager? What are their obligations? How are they elected? Why do we need one? This news article helps to answer some of these important questions.  

How are Apartment Managers chosen? 

According to Article 34 of the Property Ownership Law, every building with 8 or more flats must be an apartment manager. Manager selection can be made optionally in buildings with less than 8 flats. If all flats in an apartment are owned by one person, then that person is the legal manager. According to the number of apartments, the board of directors is elected besides the apartment manager. The manager or the board of directors is elected by the majority of the votes of the flat owners. These people can be chosen by the flat owners or as third parties.  

How long are they considered Apartment Managers?  

  Typically, their term of office is 1 year. If he/she does not carry out their duties well, does not want to continue, or if the residents of the flats complain, if ⅓ of the flat owner's request, a new meeting is held and the subject is discussed. A new candidate may be elected based on the majority of votes. In addition, if it becomes impossible for them to fulfil their managerial duties due to illness or death, an extraordinary meeting is held and a new manager or board of directors is appointed. The reason for the meeting must be stated in the call for an extraordinary meeting. In this case, the flat owner who receives the call for an extraordinary meeting will be able to make preliminary preparations for the meeting. 

Apartment Manager Duties  

According to Article 35 of the Property Ownership Law, the duties of the apartment manager are as follows:  

  • Fulfils the decisions made by the floor owner's board.  
  •  As a manager, he protects the real estate in which he is located, takes the necessary measures for its maintenance and repair and insures it.  
  •  Deals with the general management of the main real estate. It monitors the works such as cleaning, elevator and heater maintenance, air management. 
  •  Advances are collected from the flat owners every calendar year. If the advance collected for use in works such as maintenance, repair and protection ends before necessary, then tenants must be informed and then advances can be collected again. 
  •  They must accept the notifications concerning the real estate under its management and do what is necessary.  
  •  Carries out lawsuits and enforcement proceedings against the owners who do not fulfil the provisions regarding condominium ownership and do not pay their debts.  
  •  Calls the floor owners to meetings when necessary. Starts and runs the meeting and holds the meetings minutes.   
  • In addition, one of the things that apartment managers should do is; depositing the advances collected for the main real estate and opening a bank account to spend when necessary. The account is opened in his own name by showing the title of apartment manager. 

All of the above criteria are what is expected of an Apartment Manager. We, at Summer Homes, have our own apartments for sale where the Apartment Managers are part of our company. This allows all the rules and responsibilities to be enabled fully. 

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