Стилски апартмани са погледом на башту у Бејликдизу, Истанбул
The project is situated in Beylikduzu, a district on the European side of Istanbul. Beylikduzu is characterized by its modernity while be
The project is situated in Beylikduzu, a district on the European side of Istanbul. Beylikduzu is characterized by its modernity while being close to Istanbul's city center. This area has drawn many people to live there due to the abundance of residential projects and the breathtaking view of the Marmara Sea. The residential complex is situated 2.9 km from the Valley of Life, the largest park in Beylikduzu, 1 m from Beykent bus station, and 3.2 km from the E5 highway and Metrobus.
Distance to Amenities
- Distance to the Center: 50 m
- Distance to the Beach: 2 km
- Distance to the Airports: 45 km/75 km
- Distance to the Shops: 200 m
Features of Stylish Apartments in Beylikduzu
The project, built on a 4.000 m2 plot of land, consists of 4 buildings with a total of 84 units. Each block has a combination of 2+1 and 3+1 apartments and 4+2 and 5+2 duplexes ranging in size from 110 to 232 m2. The blocks are placed around the perimeter, with the outdoor swimming pool in the center, providing a private zone for the project's residents. Green landscaped areas occupy 50% of the project's scope. The apartment terraces and balconies open to garden views, keeping the living units in harmony with the surroundings. A gym, Turkish bath, sauna, swimming pool, children's playground, and a one-level parking lot reserved exclusively for residents are among the social facilities of the complex. Ова резиденцијална некретнина, смештена у престижном делу Бејликдизу са величанственом архитектуром, сигурно ће привући интересовање инвеститора и купаца кућа.
50м 2км 45км 75км 200м Више информација
Детаљи некретнине
- Реф. број34077
- Наменана продају
- Типстан
Потврђено - Спаваћа соба2-6
- Купатило2-4
- Балкон1-3
- Величина118-259 м²
- Датум завршетка31-12-2023
- Држављанство
- Градски поглед
- унутрашњи паркинг
- сауна
- Турско купатило
- Безбедност
- Кабловска телевизија-сателит
- Камера
- спортска сала
- Игралиште
- пергола
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