Пројекат се налази у шармантном кварту Пајаллар, Алања. Пајаллар је мали приморски туристички град са предивним природним лепотама. This lov

Пројекат се налази у шармантном кварту Пајаллар, Алања. Пајаллар је мали приморски туристички град са предивним природним лепотама. This lovely up-and-coming area west of Alanya has become extremely popular amongst our global buyers searching for prestigious properties in beautiful locations. While you can buy everyday essentials in Payallar, you must travel to Alanya for more significant purchases. It has a well-established infrastructure of shops, bars, and restaurants selling a range of cuisine. The transport links are also excellent here, with a range of regular buses traveling on the D400 highway to Alanya in the east and Antalya to the west. This location has much to keep you and your family entertained, with gorgeous beaches, clean, warm seas, watersports stations, and beach bars.

Distance to Amenities

  • Distance to the Center: 2 km
  • Distance to the Beach: 2.4 km
  • Distance to the Antalya Airport: 100 km
  • Distance to the Gazipasa Airport: 56 km
  • Distance to the Shops: 1.4 km

Features of Spacious Apartments in Payallar

The project covers an area of 6.800 m2 and has 128 units. 1+1, 2+1 flats, 2+1 and 3+1 duplex apartments, and 2+1 garden duplex apartments with private pools are available. The construction company prioritized the spacious facade, open living area, and functionality while designing the flats for maximum usage. Another aspect that distinguishes this project is that it is positioned such that it does not obstruct the front of the building. All of the units in this development have marvelous views of the sea and the pool. The housing complex comprises residential areas, a gym, a parking lot, and various other facilities.


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Детаљи некретнине

  • Реф. број1989
  • Наменана продају
  • Типстан
  • Спаваћа соба1-3
  • Купатило1-2
  • Балкон1-3
  • Величина56-168 м²
  • Датум завршетка30-06-2025



1 Спаваћа соба, Стан

56 м² 1 Купатило
1 Балкон €2,000/м²
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2 Спаваћа соба, Стан

67 м² 2 Купатило
1 Балкон €3,000/м²
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2 Спаваћа соба, Стан

121 м² 2 Купатило
2 Балкон €2,000/м²
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3 Спаваћа соба, Стан

168 м² 2 Купатило
3 Балкон €2,000/м²
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  • Држављанство
  • сауна
  • Турско купатило
  • Џакузи
  • лифт
  • Затворени базен
  • спортска сала
  • Игралиште
  • Кино

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